the 8-day Master Practitioner Integration Training, "Beliefs and How to Change Them."
Completion of Practitioner Training, plus the 8 days of "Beliefs and How to Change Them" training, plus BOTH of the 5-day Integration Trainings, plus completion of The Second Degree Official Program of The Radiance Technique® completes the HABTsm Master Practitioner Certification.
HABTsm Practitioner Certification Course Requirements
HABTsm Practitioner Certification has a number of prerequisite trainings that you must complete before taking one of the two 5-day integration and certification trainings. These classes include:
1.) Resolving Conflicts Inside and Out (3-days)
2.) The Shifting Memories Method(sm)(3-days)
3.) Natural Emotional Control Techniques (2-days)
4.) Inquiry and Influence Skills (2-days)
5.) Maintaining Boundaries in Life (2-days)
6.) Achieving Your Dreams (2-days)
7.) EITHER – Understanding Other People (2-days)
_______OR – Duplicating Competence (2-days)
8.) Choose one of the 5-day Practitioner Integration/Certification tracks. (See information listed below about these programs.)
9.) Complete The First Degree Official Program of The Radiance Technique®. (This class is 12-hours, spread over 3-days, and can be taken at any time.)
Total training days of prerequisites = 22.5 days total
The Two Different HABTsm Integration/Certification Classes
Both of these classes teach the integration of a powerful set of communication skills that you have previously developed by utilizing “techniques.” Now, in your advanced training, you will learn how to lead people through techniques with just a simple conversation. You will take what you already know and add to it the power of conversational hypnotic language patterns. This makes your interventions much more effective, as you will learn to set your clients up for success by beginning to utilize strategic language throughout your entire interaction.
During interactions any therapist, coach, parent or teacher is an external influence that either was or was NOT sought out by the client. In the case of parents or teachers, they may be an external influence that the “client” is possibly just tolerating. For teachers or parents, it is often advantageous to have indirect or covert influence so that the recipient gives themselves the credit for the shifts and changes and does not “resist suggestions” simply because of their source.
In contrast, a therapist or coach may wish to maximize the client's awareness that the coach/therapist is leading them through change processes. Literally, the person leading the change wants the recipient of services to overtly know that they are the one helping the individual making the change.
1. Advanced Language Skills for Coaches and Therapists – Covertly facilitating changes
In this track of the HABTsm Practitioner Certification, the focus is on more covert or indirect methods of influence. The client's continual awareness of the purpose and processes you are leading them through is not required. This is often necessary for teachers and parents, as they are often working with individuals that are not very cooperative and may even be openly defiant. Thus working covertly becomes much more important. This is also useful for therapists working with clients in a mandated treatment environment.
2. Creative Influence – Overtly assisting changes
In this track of the HABTsm Practitioner Certification, the focus is more on cooperative and conscious interventions – the client “knows” you are walking them through a process and you involve them more in both information gathering and the intervention process. You are using influence, however the client is generally aware of the different nudges you are providing. The advantage to this as a therapist or coach is that the client is more aware that you are the leader, and thus are more likely to have more sessions with you.
HABTsm Master Practitioner Certification Requirements
1. ) You must already be a HABTsm Certified Practitioner (22.5 days of training)
2. ) Complete both:
Advanced Language Patterns for Coaches & Therapists,
and Creative Influence (You would have already taken one of these two tracks of training as part of your Practitioner Certification.) (5-days of training)
3. ) Complete The Second Degree Official Program of The Radiance Technique® (1.5 days of training)
4. ) Complete the 8-day training entitled, “Beliefs and How to Change Them”
Total additional training days = 14.5 days total
We believe HABT(sm) Master Practitioner Certification far exceeds the requirements of any change method training both in quality and scope of information learned. This is because our materials were created by a therapist who also has a Master’s degree in Education and thus are very carefully structured in the way they are presented. The precision of our practice exercise objectives also assures you will be integrating and demonstrating your learning, and we work very hard to strategically create a positive training environment. Additionally, your training in The Radiance Technique® will teach you a completely different set of techniques and skills that will allow you to easily work on multiple levels beyond the work you have done psychologically and behaviorally, helping to shift patterns of behavior with your client at their source.
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(630) 663-8914
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