Hosting Trainings in The Radiance Technique®, Authentic Reiki®
This training has a maximum of 10 participants per class. This is because
participants are worked with on an individual basis in each training
This training requires 12 hours to complete. The hours must span a
minimum of three days. It is generally taught in three 4-hour sessions,
but can also be taught in four 3-hour sessions.
The fee for this training is $325.00 per person.
Discounts are available for senior citizens and people working in the
helping professions such as therapists, nurses, doctors, etc.
The fee includes The Official Handbook of The Radiance Technique®. This handbook was written by Dr. Barbara Ray, world's foremost authority
on this ancient energy science.
{Click "here"
to link directly to The Radiance Technique
International Association, Inc. for more information about TRT®, Barbara Ray,
Ph.D., and other books available about The Radiance Technique®
The room setup for this program is simple lecture format. An overhead
projector is not needed, but a single flipchart is helpful.
This training involves learning and practicing a stress-management technique,
and thus we practice during the training. It is helpful if the training
environment is supportive of relaxation. The technique supports stress
release in ANY environment - even a noisy office - but during the initial
training, it is helpful to have a relatively quiet environment.
The Handbook includes space for taking notes. The technique is very simple to learn and does not require great amounts of study or concentration to master. (i.e., the class itself is not mentally demanding and stressful!) Smaller group trainings and private/individual classes are available as scheduling allows.
Larry Westenberg is an Authorized Instructor of The First Degree Official
Program of The Radiance Technique® and The Second Degree Official Program of
The Radiance Technique®. He is authorized to train these programs by
Radiance Seminars, Inc. - the
only organization that authorizes these training programs worldwide. Larry has studied to The Seventh Degree of The Radiance Technique®, and has been teaching since 1994.
Free Introductory Lectures about The Radiance Technique®are also available!
(As scheduling allows - call for more information.)
For more information, call:
(630) 663-8914
To register as an interested person and join our private mailing list, click here!
The Radiance Technique®,
TRT®, Authentic Reiki®,, Radiant Touch®, The First Degree Official Program of The Radiance Technique®, The Second Degree Official Program of The Radiance Technique®, are all
registered service marks held by The Radiance
Technique International Association, Inc. and used under license.